Welkom bij onze nieuwste blogserie.

In deze serie duiken we in de dynamische wereld van werving en selectie, waarbij we de nieuwste trends, technologieën en strategieën verkennen die vorm geven aan hoe organisaties talent aantrekken en behouden. Ook geven we tips hoe je hier als organisatie mee aan de slag kunt gaan. 

De voordelen van werken in een startup vs. grote organisatie

De voordelen van werken in een startup vs. grote organisatie De keuze voor een werkplek bepaalt in grote mate de richting van je professionele groei en ontwikkeling. Terwijl startups en scale-ups bruisen van energie en innovatie, bieden grote organisaties structuur en stabiliteit. Hoe maak je de juiste keuze? Onze meeste

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Blog- In-house recruitment of klassieke werving & selectie?

In-house recruitment of klassieke werving & selectie? Recruitment, of werving, is een essentieel proces voor organisaties om talent aan te trekken en te behouden. Er zijn verschillende methoden van recruitment die organisaties kunnen gebruiken, afhankelijk van hun specifieke behoeften en doelen. Maar wanneer ga je voor de klasieke vorm van

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Digitale vaardigheden die jouw carrière een boost geven!

Digitale skills die jouw carrière een boost geven! In de snel evoluerende wereld van vandaag zijn digitale vaardigheden belangrijker dan ooit. Hoewel je op elk van deze vaardigheden verschillende niveaus van diepgang kunt bereiken, is het essentieel om in ieder geval een breed idee of grove kennis van elk onderwerp

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Ons ervaren team staat voor je klaar om je verder te helpen. Of het nu gaat om een enkele openstaande vacature waar de juiste kandidaat waar niet voor gevonden wordt of het aannemen van een geheel nieuw team. 

Ook met betrekking tot HR vraagstukken hebben onze experts jarenlange ervaring om je van het juiste advies te voorzien.  

Bel ons voor meer informatie op: 

 +31 (0)85 047 04 40

Of vul het contactformulier in. 

Laat ons weten hoe we jou kunnen helpen!

We love to get feedback

Employee @ iChoosr
Employee @ iChoosr
I am very satisfied with the process. The personal contact was perfect, and I received regular updates about the process. I received valuable and sincere insights about the company and the position. They prepared me for the interviews very well and it was clear what was expected from me. So excellent service if you ask me.
Employee @ Homerr
Employee @ Homerr
They showed a genuine interest and had a good understanding of my needs and requirements. Very positive experience, I received good advice and became more enthusiastic during the process. Many thanks for the fun, educational and informative conversations.
Employee @ Evidos
Employee @ Evidos
The recruiter took the time to listen to my questions and answered them timely: clear communication, swift, friendly and professional. I received the information I needed, gained sincere insights in the company and they kept me well in the loop. Very positive experience and they were on top of things: fun, reliable and friendly professionals to work with.
Employee @ KokxDeVoogd
Employee @ KokxDeVoogd
Contact was easy, accessible and I received the correct information. They had an interesting position matching my career path and a good understanding of my needs. Nice and informal catch-ups, to the point and I was kept well informed. I would definitely recommend working with them.
Employee @ iChoosr
Employee @ iChoosr
Overall it was an excellent and quite fast process. The job description I received was appealing and the Inhousify team showed good care. They where not pushy but wanted to really get a good understanding of my needs to make a good match and they answered any questions perfectly. Happy in my new role!
Employee @ Homerr
Employee @ Homerr
I really liked the recruiting process, I felt very involved and also felt understood. They just know the company and the team I’m currently working for inside-out and they gave me sincere and valuable insights during the process. Also the interest in me as a person, quick feedback and clarity in the process made a difference to me.
Employee @ Evidos
Employee @ Evidos
The contact with the recruiter was very positive and they made me feel very comfortable at the interviews. He also introduced the company to me in a very nice way. At each stage of the process there was good, clear communication; I really enjoyed the process.
Employee @ DSG
Employee @ DSG
Near to a perfect job, smooth and thrustworthy with attention for both the customer and myself as candidate. The process was all really fine and well arranged. Good followup and they prepaired me well before the interviews. Skilled and social team who knows how to pick the right job and employer for people.